MLSA AmeriCorps members will attend the Libby Veteran Stand Down on Saturday, October 3, where they will provide general legal information, self-help resources, and legal referrals to attendees. The Stand Down will take place at the VFW Post 1548, at 110 W. 2nd Street. Veteran Stand Downs provide veterans with life resources such as food, …
MLSA at Sidney Stand Down Sept 25-26
MLSA AmeriCorps members will attend the Sidney Stand Down on Sept 25 and 26, where they will provide general legal information, self-help resources, and legal referrals to attendees. The Stand Down will take place at the Richland County Event Center, 2118 W. Holly Street, Sidney MT. Veteran Stand Downs provide veterans with life resources such …
State Bar Passes Resolution Supporting MLSA
On September 10, 2015, the State Bar of Montana passed a resolution of support for MLSA. Specifically, the resolution urges Congress to maintain its commitment to access to justice for low-income people and to increase federal funding for civil legal aid programs, and strongly urges all State Bar of Montana members to participate in pro …
MLSA to Attend Great Falls Veteran Stand Down Sept 17-18, 2015
MLSA is pleased to attend the Veteran Stand Down in Great Falls on Sept 17 and 18. The Stand Down will take place at the Montana ExpoPark in the Mercantile Building. MLSA AmeriCorps members will provide general legal information, self-help resources, and legal referrals to attendees. Veteran Stand Downs provide veterans with life resources such …
MLSA Hosts a Cheers for Charity at Draught Works Brewery
MLSA and Draught Works Brewery are teaming up to help protect and enhance the civil legal rights of, and promote systemic change for, Montanans living in poverty. On Tuesday September 22, 2015 Draught Works will donate 50 cents of every pint sold between 5pm and 8pm to MLSA. Please join us for a festive event …
Legal Information at Project Homeless Connect / Kalispell
Are you homeless or at risk of becoming homeless? Do you need general legal information and resources? Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA) will be attending the 2015 Kalispell Project Homeless Connect event on Wednesday, June 17. Come find answers to your general legal questions and/or apply for MLSA services. The event, which runs from 11am-7pm, …
MLSA to Attend Bozeman Veteran Stand Down June 13
MLSA is pleased to attend the Veteran Stand Down in Bozeman on June 13. The event will take place at the Gallatin County Fairgrounds from 7:45am – 12:30pm. 'MLSA AmeriCorps members and/or staff will provide general legal information, self-help resources, and legal referrals to attendees. Veteran Stand Downs provide veterans with life resources such …
MLSA to Attend Veteran Stand Down in Kalispell May 30
MLSA is pleased to attend the Veteran Stand Down in Kalispell on May 30. The Stand Down will take place at the Evergreen Fire Hall (2236 Highway 2 East, Evergreen MT) from 9am – 2pm. MLSA AmeriCorps members and/or staff will provide general legal information, self-help resources, and legal referrals to attendees. Veteran Stand Downs …
MLSA Guest Blog Post for Legal Aid Ontario: An Evolution for Quality Service Delivery
MLSA was recently glad to accomodate Legal Aid Ontario's request for an article for its blog on how MLSA's delivery of services to clients has changed over the years. Having done the hard work of changing with the times to better serve clients, we were happy to share our story and hope that doing so …
May 1 is Law Day!
Today we reflect on and honor law. Law gives us rights. It gives us a process to protect our rights. Law is important to us as individuals and as a country. Law is important whether or not we have legal problems. Want to learn more about Law Day 2015? American Bar Association President William C. …