Educational Supports

Federal education laws have been passed to help youth who are experiencing homelessness or housing insecurity. Some of the supports include: -Fee waivers for the SAT/ACT; -An initial deposit for tuition or dorm; -Housing during school breaks; and -Help with basic needs like clothing, food, and supplies for school. All Montana high schools and the …

Earned Income Tax Credit

The Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) helps low to moderate income workers and families get a tax break. If you qualify, you can use the credit to reduce the taxes you owe – and maybe increase your refund. As of December 2023, approximately 64,000 Montanans received $139 million in EITC. The average amount received in …

January 18th is National Day of Action for Stalking Awareness

We want to join SPARK in amplifying the call to KNOW IT, NAME IT, and STOP IT! Most stalking victims tell a friend or family member about the situation before seeking any formal help. Learn more about how to support a friend experiencing stalking. Stalking is illegal in all U.S. states and territories. Engaging in …

Fee Waiver Rights

Do you know what to do if you have an approved court fee waiver and are still charged to file papers? If you cannot afford court fees, you can request a fee waiver using our free interactive form. This is also called a “Statement of Inability to Pay Court Costs and Fees” and it is …

Legal Tip: Signing Documents

The risk can be great for some papers you sign. A few things to remember include: -Do not sign what you have not read or do not understand; -Do not give out information quickly or easily; -Always speak with a lawyer before signing a Deed or a Title; and -Get a copy of anything you …

How to Answer When You Get Sued

If you are served with a Summons and a Petition or Complaint follow these steps: 1. Read through the court papers carefully. The Summons will tell you the deadline to file your written Answer and the name of the court where the lawsuit is filed. The Petition or Complaint will say why the other party …

Our New Restitution Calculator is LIVE!

Restitution is money that a court orders a defendant to pay after they are found guilty of certain crimes. The court can order restitution to help pay for medical and dental bills, mental health counseling, stolen or damaged property, lost wages, travel and relocation costs, and funeral costs for murder victims. Restitution can also go …

Bank Account Levies

An account levy is when someone collects on a court judgment by taking money from your bank account. Someone can only take money from your account with a court judgment. That means they have to sue you first, and win in court. Some debts owed to the federal government, like the IRS, do not need … resources in Spanish!

To access our Spanish resources: 1. Visit 2. Click Español in the right corner. 3. Check out our informational resources, court forms, and videos in Spanish! Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA) provides legal tips to help Montanans better understand their rights and find free resources. Need more help? Call the Montana Legal Services Association …

Need Help Finding a Form or Resource? Chat with us!

Did you know you can chat with us on if you need help finding legal resources? We provide a Live Help service to hopefully make your day a little easier. We are happy to send you links to the information and forms you are looking for. Simply click on the chat icon in the …