Veterans Stand Downs Scheduled Across Montana

Several Veterans Stand Downs have occurred and are scheduled across Montana. The US Department of Veterans Affairs coordinates with local VA and community partners to host Stand Downs to provide services to veterans, focusing on homeless veterans. Stand Downs typically provide food, clothing, health screenings, VA and Social Security benefits counseling, and referrals to a …

Online application returns, improved for efficiency

After a five month hiatus, the online application for Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA) has returned. Since September, 2012, MLSA staff have been working to improve how the online application is received, its ease of use, and other implementations to streamline the application process. The previous online application consisted of an intimidating page full of …

May 1 is Law Day!

Today we reflect on and honor law. Law gives us rights. It gives us a process to protect our rights. Law is important to us as individuals and as a country. Law is important whether or not we have legal problems.   Want to learn more about the importance of law and how it works? …

Fair Housing is Your Right: Use It!

April is Fair Housing Month. Incited in part by the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr., one week prior, Congress passed Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act in 1968, known as the Fair Housing Act. The Fair Housing Act makes it illegal to discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, religion, national origin, …

MLSA Staff Attends Training

Broad-Based Legal Advocacy MLSA attorneys and staff recently attended training on broad-based legal advocacy. Hannah E.M. Lieberman, national consultant with extensive litigation and legal practice management experience, provided the training. Broad-based legal advocacy achieves good outcomes for clients and others. Litigation is one method used to get good outcomes, but other methods are also used …

Tax Information and Help

Do you know how to file your taxes for free? Do you need tax help? Are you in a dispute with the IRS?     Let MLSA point you in the right direction.   ► is available for Montanans to find information on how and where to file their federal and state taxes. Find free …

MLSA Year in Review

Montana Legal Services Association (MLSA) has big goals for 2013 and we'll share those in future blogs. But first, we’d like to tell about just a few of the major accomplishments we —with your help—achieved last year: Helped clients with 3,570 cases; Began the Foreclosure Assistance Project and helped 39 clients as of mid-December; Restructured …

MLSA Helps Survivors of Domestic Abuse

In October, MLSA has blogged each Thursday on relationship abuse/sexual abuse/stalking topics in honor of National Domestic Violence Awareness Month. We encourage you to share the information we blog on with your friends, family, and coworkers. — Please note: Always call 911 if you are in immediate danger.And know that if you are a domestic …

Pro Bono Celebration This Week

Do you know that this week is a National Pro Bono Celebration?At Montana Legal Services Association, we like to celebrate Pro Bono Attorneys all year long. Do you know that in 2012 so far, MLSA has placed 289 cases with Pro Bono Attorneys? That’s a lot of pro bono happening, which means a lot of …

Domestic Violence Fatality Review Commission

This post is by guest author Matt Dale, Director of the Montana Office of Consumer Protection & Victim Services, as part of the MLSA Advocacy Blog’s focus on domestic violence issues this October, Domestic Violence Awareness Month. MLSA thanks Matt for this contribution.This October we remember those who have died at the hands of their …