Dedicated MLSA attorneys and staff work hard for low-income Montanans with pressing civil legal needs. Despite their work, MLSA must turn away clients with legal needs every day due to a lack of staffing and resources to adequately cover our vast state.
You can help MLSA’s work with a variety of gift options that can be tailored to your financial needs. No matter the form, your donation will increase justice for low-income Montanans. You will help seniors stay in their homes, mothers and their children escape domestic violence, and other low-income people assert and protect their legal rights in a variety of ways.
Mail a Check
MLSA is always happy to accept donations by mail. Please make your check payable to “Montana Legal Services Association” and mail to: MLSA, 616 Helena Ave, Suite 100, Helena, MT 59601
Donate Stock or Send a Wire-Transfer
If you would like to donate marketable securities or donate via wire transfer please contact: Michelle Potts at 406-442-9830x138 or [email protected].
Cy Pres and Residual Settlement Awards
MLSA welcomes donations of unclaimed residual settlement funds and court awards. Montana Court Rules require that at least fifty percent of residual funds be distributed cy pres to any access to justice organization. Directing awards to MLSA meets that requirement and will support access to justice through civil legal aid at MLSA. For transfer instructions, please contact Michelle Potts at 406-442-9830x138 or [email protected].
Tribute Gifts
What better way to honor a family member, friend or colleague than to make a gift in their name that will help improve access to justice for vulnerable Montanans? Consider making a tribute gift to Montana Legal Services Association. MLSA will inform individuals of the gift made in their honor and the impact it will have on the lives of the vulnerable Montanans.
Endowments will be crafted to meet the Montana Charitable Endowment Tax Credit. Your gift of cash or property can provide immediate tax benefits, and ensure that a loved one receives fixed income payments for life, while supporting MLSA with the principal amount.
To Donate

MLSA is generously supported by grants from the Montana Justice Foundation. A gift to MJF also supports MLSA. Find their donate page here.
Legacy Giving
When you name MLSA to receive a bequest or other gift through your estate plans, you play a personal role in increasing access to justice in Montana. If you name MLSA in your will or trust, or as a beneficiary of a retirement plan, savings account, or life insurance policy, you will impact the future of fair justice for all Montanans. To name MLSA as a beneficiary, please designate the following: “Montana Legal Services Association, a nonprofit corporation, organized and existing under the laws of the State of Montana, with its principal place of business address located at 616 Helena Ave, Suite 100, Helena, MT 59601.”
In-Kind Donations
MLSA kindly accepts equipment and furniture donations. We are currently looking for used office furniture, such as desks, chairs, and filing cabinets. We also welcome laptops, computers, cell phones, and other technological devices. Please contact us if you have equipment to donate: Michelle Potts at 406-442-9830x138 or [email protected].
Give to the Montana Justice Foundation
MLSA and the Montana Justice Foundation (MJF) have joined forces to raise funds for civil legal aid in Montana. Together, MLSA and MJF have combined their resources and experience to strengthen civil legal aid in Montana, allowing MLSA to do more of what it does best – provide accurate, compassionate civil legal aid to those who need it most. Donating to MJF helps ensure justice for all Montanans, not just those who can afford it.
MLSA is a non-profit that qualifies as a tax-exempt charitable organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your donation.
Because we receive a grant from the federally funded Legal Services Corporation, we are required to notify you that all funds we receive may not be used in any manner inconsistent with the Legal Services Corporation Act of 1974, as amended in 1977 (42 U.S.C. §§ 2996 et. seq.), its implementing regulations (45 C.F.R. § 1600 et seq.), and other relevant law. MLSA has the necessary procedures and policies in place to comply with these requirements.