Client Story
"Nicolas" (not his real name) was working on a ranch when his employer received a demand from an IRS agent that they garnish his wages for an old tax debt. The ranch owners thought that the paperwork was a scam because the IRS claimed that Nicolas owed several hundred thousand dollars in back taxes, even though he had earned less than $20,000 a year. Nicolas reached out to MLSA for help. An MLSA attorney investigated Nicolas' IRS records and discovered evidence that he had been a victim of identity theft. Someone had fraudulently reported earnings using Nicolas' social security number over a decade ago, causing a huge tax bill. MLSA's attorney successfully blocked the IRS from garnishing Nicolas' wages and helped him to navigate the IRS' identity theft reporting system. Nicolas is now out from under the cloud of this fraudulently created tax bill, and can keep his rightful wages.

Montana was largely founded and developed by dedicated agricultural workers. Yet many face hardships related to the nature of their work. MLSA provides education, legal information, advice and representation to eligible workers in the areas of employment, benefits, and housing, as well as other civil legal issues that directly impact agricultural workers living throughout the state.